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Impact assessment of Belt and Road Initiative on Chinese economy and society

ZOLTÁN PEREDY, Head of the Engineering Institute, Edutus University, WANG JIAYI, BSc. student, Edutus University, Department of Business Management, SUN JIAXUAN, BSc. student, Edutus University, Department of Business Management, CUI ZHENG, BSc. student, Edutus University, Department of Business Management

Megjelent a  2023. augusztusi ACTA PERIODICA  28. kötetében (ISSN 2063-501X) az Edutus Egyetem kiadásában a 18-40. oldalon.

DOI 10.47273/AP.2023.28.18-40


The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a major infrastructure and economic development project launched by the Chinese government in 2013. This review paper examines the economic and social impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on the country and makes recommendations. The Belt and Road Initiative has contributed to China’s economic growth and expansion, but also faces challenges such as corruption and environmental concerns. In terms of society, the Belt and Road Initiative has both positive and negative impacts and hidden risks. It creates jobs and infrastructure, but to a certain extent increases pollution and destroys the ecological balance. The conclusion of this study is that the development of the „Belt and Road” should take its essence and discard its dross, criticize inheritance, make the past serve the present, and all countries should work together to realize a community of shared future.

Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), economic and social impacts, hidden risks, infrastructural development, ecological balance, shared future  

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