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Waseda-Edutus Joint Conference

The Edutus University and the Japanese Waseda University established a prosperous and mutually beneficial cooperation two decades ago. The teachers, the researchers and the students of both university have been working closely together in the frame of the HÉLIA Joint Research Group. The mission of the HÉLIA is analysing and developing the local food supply chains in the rapidly changing globalising world providing adequate responses for sustainability and shortcomings of the globalised supply chain management.

Contact from Hungarian Party: Prof. Dr. Mihály Vörös

Contact from the Japanese Party: Prof. Dr. Masahiko Gemma

As a part of this joint scientific work, the Japanese-Hungarian Research and Student Conferences have been organised on annual base. The last one took place on February 3, 2020. After the last conference, a visit was organised in the Edutus University Engineering Institute in Tatabánya and in the Bridgestone Tatabánya Manufacturing Ltd. on the next day.

Conference presentation: “Dr. Zoltán Peredy: Responding to the Challenges, Thoughts & Actions in the Way Towards an Innovative Entrepreneurial University in Tatabánya, Hungary”

Edutus-Waseda visit in Bridgestone Tatabánya Ltd. In the middle on the photo Prof. Dr. Masahiko Gemma, Dr. Zoltán Peredy and Prof. Dr. Mihály Vörös.

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