Acta Periodica
About the Journal in brief:
The legal predeccessor of the Edutus University, the College for Modern Business Sciences founded the scientific journal under name Acta Oeconomica in 2004, and then renamed it into Acta Periodica in 2006. The journal was published once a year on paper-base until 2010. The publications take place in online from 2010 onwards. The orginal economic profile of Acta Periodica was gradually expanded to multidisciplinary one.
Currently, the peer-reviewed, doi-identified, multidisciplinary Acta Periodica journal aims to provide regular publication opportunities in Hungarian, English and German for university lecturers, researchers, students and their industrial partners in the fields of engineering, economic and management sciences. In order to increase the professional quality of the journal, Edutus University has established an Scientific Editorial Board consisting of honored domestic and foreign experts, and at the same time making the publication of the journal more frequent, which is published currently online three times a year.
ISSN: 2063-501X