Már elérhetőek államilag támogatott helyek nem csak mesterképzéseken, hanem nappali tagozatos, alapképzési szakokon is!



ZOLTÁN PEREDY, Head of the Engineering Institute, Edutus University

e-mail: peredy.zoltan@edutus.hu

LÁSZLÓ VIGH, Head of the Department for Business Management,

Edutus University

e-mail: vigh.laszlo@edutus.hu

 WEI QUINGYU, BSc. Student, Edutus University, Department for Business Management
e-mail: qiongyu_358495066@qq.com

 JIANG MUYI, BSc. Student, Edutus University, Department for Business Management

e-mail: 1902453019@qq.com

Megjelent a  2024. májusi ACTA PERIODICA  30. kötetében (ISSN 2063-501X) az Edutus Egyetem kiadásában a 4-19. oldalon.

DOI: 10.47273/AP.2024.30.4-19


Generation is a group of people who have similar birth years, life experiences, and cultural influences. Generation Z is the current generation that has attracted much attention from researchers. People born between 1995 and 2012, referred to as Generation Z, grew up alongside significant technological advancements in communication and they have special behavioral patterns in real life differing the elderly generations. Generation Z respondents hold unprecedented, unexpected attitudes, values and norms including awareness of the negatives of technology use, differences in personal preferences and professional behaviors, self-regulation of technology use, and concern for boundaries between personal and work life. They are completely awakened by the social responsibilities towards society, knowledge of laws, rules and regulation, they are extremely digital indigenous, technology savvy, challenging, adventurous, active decision maker, leadership skill and talented. Through in-depth analysis and case studies gaining insight a new perspective for understanding the true nature and motivational driving forces of special cohort. This has significant implications for policy makers, business managers helping them to improving the communications with Generation Z avoiding misunderstandings in the future, raising their recruitment, onboarding and working efficiency or predict their potential consumer preferences, winning this group via the social media channels for long-term economic benefits in the following decade.

Keywords: Generation Z, Communication habits, digital indigenous, talented, preferences

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Duális képzések

A duális képzési forma olyan, a felsőoktatás és a gazdasági szereplők együttműködésével megvalósuló speciális gyakorlatorientált felsőoktatási képzés, melynek során a hallgatók már képzési idejük alatt közvetlenül megismerhetik a munka világát, részesévé válhatnak a munkafolyamatoknak, valamint a hagyományos képzésekhez képest jóval több időt tölthetnek a szakmai kompetenciák gyakorlásával.
